Let's build a better city


Upcoming Town Halls

What's the plan?

Lower property taxes

Ensure visitors contribute

Build New Projects to Improve Our Quality of Life

Grow our economy

What is Project Anchorage?

Project Anchorage is an initiative put forward by a coalition of Anchorage businesses and business leaders to make Anchorage a better place to live, work and play. The initiative would implement a 3% sales tax to be dedicated as follows:

  • Two thirds of the revenue would go dollar for dollar to lower property taxes, increasing housing affordability and making Anchorage a more attractive place to live and do business.
  • One third of the revenue would fund projects that make Anchorage a better place to live, work and play. 

Open Call for Projects

What do you want to see happen in Anchorage? We believe the best ideas will come from Anchorage residents, and are soliciting project ideas.  Projects will be selected completely from ideas that come from Anchorage residents and ultimately voted on by Anchorage voters! 

Submit your project idea by September 15th, 2024